Department: Admissions

2024-2025 Academic Year

Job Description

Admissions Phone Ambassadors are responsible for contacting prospective students and families via outgoing phone calls. Daily duties include making outgoing phone calls, answering student questions, data entry, connecting students with admission counselors, and other administrative duties. Working independently with direction is expected in this position. Phone Ambassadors are MSOE ambassadors and therefore must feel comfortable answering student questions, must act professionally on the phone, take detailed notes, and provide good customer service.  Hours are between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM Monday through Thursday, some business hours (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM) may be needed as well.


Samantha Kammers
(414) 277-7431


Disclaimer: Student employment is only available to MSOE students. To qualify for student employment during the academic year, you are required to be registered for at least six undergraduate credits or three graduate credits during each term of the academic year.


* = required field

Personal Information

Work Availability Schedule

I would be able to work most of the weeks during these times:

Please tell us about your availability. In the spaces below, for each day, please type in the hours you are available to work. Don’t forget to specify AM or PM. Example: 8:00am – 6pm or 12:00pm to 10:00pm.

Please list times you are available to work below.

Application Information

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