Department: Career Connections Center

Academic Year 2024-2025 (Spring)

Job Description

Get ready because the Spring 2025 Career Fair will be Wednesday, February 19th!  

We need help during this event at various times to help make it a great experience for our students and visiting companies. You’ll earn $12.00 per hour. 

There are lots of different jobs and times to choose from, and we’re happy to have you for as many or as few hours as you’re able to help. We need help with...

  • Escorting employers to their tables
  • Meal ticket takers
  • Student registration 
  • Photo booth
  • Career Fair clean-up
  • More....

Past student assistants have had lots of fun, and you can participate in the Career Fair before or after your “shift.” 

When we receive your application, we'll send you a sign-up form, so you can choose the times that work best for you. Apply early for greater choice!


Teresa Massoels

“Disclaimer: Student employment is only available to MSOE students. To qualify for student employment during the academic year, you are required to be registered for at least six undergraduate credits or three graduate credits during each term of the academic year.”

* = required field

Personal Information

Work Availability Schedule

I would be able to work most of the weeks during these times:

Please tell us about your availability. In the spaces below, for each day, please type in the hours you are available to work. Don’t forget to specify AM or PM. Example: 8:00am – 6pm or 12:00pm to 10:00pm.

Please list times you are available to work below.

Application Information

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