Cyber defense skills earn MSOE students trip to regional competition
MSOE’s Cyber Raiders Organization for Networking (CRON) defeated teams from around the state in the Wisconsin Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, sponsored by Northwestern Mutual. These tech-savvy students now advance to the Midwest regional competition in March. This is the seventh straight year that they’ll be competing at the regional event.
The students built and defended a mock production business infrastructure from professional “hackers” who are given the challenge to take each team’s production systems offline and breach their security. While the teams worked hard to fend off the hackers, the competition judging staff deployed network enhancement and upgrade challenges. The teams were judged on their performance and success in keeping their infrastructure secure.
Congratulations to the team and their advisor, Dr. Jeffrey Blessing, professor, Rader School of Business.

MSOE's Cyber Raiders Organization for Networking won the Wisconsin Cyber Defense Competition. Left to right: Isaiah Rondeau, software engineering; Noah Kennedy, software engineering; Aditya Beura, business administration/IT systems; and Matthew Reiff ’18, management information systems.