Undergraduate Certificates

AI for Emerging Applications Certificate

Explore the world of artificial intelligence.

German Certificate

Earn a certificate in German in addition to your degree program.

Gerontology Certificate

Practicing RNs learn to provide exceptional care to older adults in any health care setting.

Spanish Certificate

Upon completion of this course of study, students will have solid communication skills in Spanish and a strong understanding of Spanish, Latin American and Latinx culture and history.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificate in Applied Machine Learning

Develop machine learning and artificial intelligence expertise to take your career to the next level.

Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning Engineering

Deep technical content that will enable the student to bring machine learning solutions into production in the their industry.

Post-Master's Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate

Designed to develop competencies in a broad range of topics for students who have a MS in Nursing.

Graduate Certificate in Advanced Business Strategy Using AI and Analytics

Business leaders who have a minimum of 3 years of experience in a professional position can build on existing business acumen.

Graduate Certificate in Business for School Leaders

Prepares teachers and administrators in understanding the key relationships between education and business practices.

Graduate Certificate in Curriculum & Instruction

Develop essential skills for curriculum restructuring, planning and implementation at the school site

Graduate Certificate for School Business Managers

Designed for prospective school business administrators, this program includes management concepts and techniques and the skills needed in collective negotiations and contract management in public schools.

Graduate Certificate in Nursing Executive Leadership and Management

The graduate Nursing Executive Leadership and Management Certificate provides introductory concepts required for nursing administrators.

Graduate Certificate in Additive Manufacturing

MSOE’s Graduate Certificate in Additive Manufacturing (AM) is designed for recent graduates and professionals interested in developing a specialization in the design and analysis of components and systems manufactured using modern additive manufacturing techniques.

Graduate Certificate in Fluid Power

MSOE’s Graduate Certificate in Fluid Power is designed for recent graduates and professionals interested in developing a specialization in fluid power systems.