MSOE’s 2020 High School Summer Programs are being cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you can join us in Summer of 2021!
This intense, week-long summer camp will challenge you to learn more about the biomedical engineering field. You will get hands-on exposure by working in our labs on exciting projects. Working closely with MSOE faculty and current students is an integral part of the program.
Topics included in the BME Focus on the Possibilities include:
Introduction to the history and scope of biomedical engineering
Basis of the electrical signals in the body
Computer programming applications of bio-signals
Introduction to diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices
Thermodynamics and fluid flow in the body
Design of amplifiers for small biological signals
ECG measurement laboratory
Signal processing of ECG signals
Building and testing an ECG kit
Learn more about Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineers (BMEs) help people by solving medical equipment and healthcare related problems using math, science and engineering principles. They design medical devices and systems and manage the manufacture, sales and use of this equipment in environments ranging from homes to hospitals.