CREATE Institute Team
The CREATE Institute works closely with the Office of Academics to support faculty and students at MSOE.

Academic Support Specialist - CBE, BioE, and UX
Maxwell Artis-Demick
Department: CREATE Institute

Cove Program Coordinator
Pablo Bras
Department: CREATE Institute

Academic Support Specialist - School of Nursing
Christopher Carloni
Department: CREATE Institute

Project Coordinator
Michelle Gross
Department: CREATE Institute

Associate Director of Faculty Development
Dr. Maria Pares-Toral
Department: CREATE Institute

Academic Support Specialist - ME
Joey Reindl
Department: CREATE Institute

Communication and Event Coordinator
Carrie Seidl
Department: CREATE Institute

Assistant Director of Experiential Learning
Dr. Andrea Ventola
Department: CREATE Institute

Natalie Villegas
Department: CREATE Institute

Academic Support Specialist - CAECM
Will Willis
Department: CREATE Institute

Program Coordinator
Gina Zarcone
Department: CREATE Institute