Please complete the application below. GHF Funds are awarded quarterly in April, October and February each year.

* = required field

Applicant Information and Project Overview

Please complete the application below. Be aware that the approval process may take up to four weeks, please plan accordingly.

Proposal Submitted By: *
Project/Trip is (select one) *
MSOE Faculty Advisor *
Primary Contact's Name *
Date *
Primary Contact's Chair/VP/Club Advisor Name *
Date *

Budgetary Requirements: Individual Costs

Preference will be given to funding MSOE faculty and student projects and/or trip expenses. Priority will be given to applicants that demonstrate a financial commitment to their projects by successful fundraising initiatives, and other funding sources.
In the spaces below, please note all estimated expenses, current amount funded and source* of that funding and the amount requested from GHF
*For funding source input F=fundraising initiatives, P=personal funds, O=other funding sources

Budgetary Requirements: Project Costs

In the spaces below, please note estimated expenses, amount funded source* and amount requested from GHF
*For funding source input F=fundraising initiatives, P=personal funds, O=other funding sources

Total Costs

In the spaces below, please total individual and project costs listed in the Budgetary Requirements section.
*For funding source input F=fundraising initiatives, P=personal funds, O=other funding sources


Please use the following text box to describe fundraising efforts that the organization has undertaken or plans to do for this project. Please be sure to note which sources, if any, are from MSOE.

Travel Documents (only for international travel)

Applicants must attach documents from CDC and government travel websites when submitting this application. Applicants are required to check website again one week prior to travel for changes in travel safety status and inform the GHF Committee of changes in status.

Traveler List

Please use the entire space below to list all who will be traveling on the project and their role (e.g., faculty advisor, project mentor, project manager, etc.).

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