Researchers and clinicians with the CTSI can apply to work collaboratively with the support and expertise of MSOE faculty and students who will use deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms with high performance computing to advance their research.
MSOE experts will use de-identified and anonymized data, plus the power of Rosie, MSOE’s NVIDIA-powered supercomputer, to help investigators improve the quality and efficacy of clinical research and move it from the laboratory to the bedside in a timelier fashion.
Members of the CTSI include Children’s Wisconsin, Clement Zablocki VA Medical Center, Froedtert Hospital, Marquette University, Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Versiti. Its mission is to develop an integrated, shared home for clinical and translational research and research training, hallmarked by a borderless, collaborative, synergistic and investigator/community/patient-friendly, research environment that is functionally integrated into regional and national CTSA networks.