Public Seminars and Events
MSOE offers a number of public seminars and events throughout the year.
The Applied Technology Center (ATC) regularly offers seminars that are designed to keep engineers and managers abreast of cutting-edge technological development, current applications and newly developed techniques. While some of these seminars focus on the foundation of fluid power, others explore more advanced sophisticated concepts in a high-tech, applications-oriented environment.
MSOE offers a number of public seminars and events throughout the year.
The office of Professional Education also conducts private seminars. These seminars can be on-site or in our premises. Seminars may be customized by changing lecture curriculum and/or adding proprietary laboratory exercises. More than 200 individuals a year are educated through tailored on-site programs. Please contact us for more information on private seminar offerings.
The Universal Fluid Power Trainer (UFPT) is a modular, smart and unique fluid power and motion control training unit. It contains an excellent integration of industrial-graded hardware and built-in software licenses to help teach and demonstrate fluid power technology.
From the foundations of fluid power to the latest technological advancements, companies turn to MSOE to help their employees stay current or advance their skills.