The NSF S-STEM scholarship is awarded to financially eligible, academically talented mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and computer science undergraduates who have completed their first (fall) semester of freshman year. Approximately fifteen students will be selected from two freshman cohorts to receive four-year scholarships that will enable them to focus on their education. S-STEM will operate concurrently with MSOE’s strategic plan to build an inclusive community of experiential learners and set the standard for preparing leaders to solve the technological challenges of the 21st century.

MSOE’s S-STEM program is built on high-impact practices that include:

  • Living Learning Communities
  • Faculty, peer and industry mentorship
  • Team building
  • Participation in professional organizations
  • Career enhancement
  • Industry shadowing
  • Internships
  • Undergraduate research

Important Dates

  • Program Dates: Oct. 1, 2025 through Sept. 30, 2030
  • Application deadline for the second cohort: Oct. 25, 2025

S-STEM Program Overview

S-STEM scholars have the opportunity to participate in transformational experiences that support retention, engagement, enrichment and graduation. They are expected to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above to continue to receive the scholarship through graduation. The program offers its scholars:

  • Mentorship and Advising:  Regular meetings with faculty advisors and Raider Success Coaches for encouragement and guidance towards academic success.
  • Intentional Group Activities: Each semester will feature one intentional group activity. These include visits to Discovery World, Abbot Laboratories, Northwestern University Imaging Laboratory (MRI), ASME seminars, facilities tours at local industries and more.
  • Summer Workshop: Annual summer workshops feature team-building exercises and provide opportunities to articulate goals and aspirations for the following year.
  • Outreach Opportunities: S-STEM scholars will serve as role models and mentors to high school and future potential students through events sponsored by the MSOE STEM Center and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS).

Who Should Apply?

Students who are currently in their freshman year of the mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, or computer science programs who have demonstrated a financial need (based on FAFSA) and are academically talented (GPA of 2.75 or greater) should apply. The Financial Aid Office will help establish financial eligibility. Applicants are required to provide an unofficial transcript to establish the potential for academic success.

The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States and give an informed consent to the dissemination of information on programmatic activities and experiences as a part of the National Science Foundation sponsored scholarship. Accepted candidates will participate in the activities outlined above. The scholarship per each academic year is paid in portions for each semester, not to exceed $10,000 in any given year.

How to Apply

Required Application Materials

  • Application form (to be filled out online)
  • Short essays on why you want to participate in the S-STEM program and why you chose the field of mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, or computer science (part of application).
  • A reference familiar with your academic or work history and passion for STEM who we can contact (part of application)
  • Your MSOE unofficial transcript as soon as the first semester grades are available

Application materials must be received by the specified due date. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

Submit Your Application

Send your application materials by the application deadline to Shortlisted applicants will receive an invitation for an interview with a panel of STEM administrators to be held on Microsoft Teams. For any questions, contact Dr. Mohammad Mahinfalah at


  • Dr. Subha Kumpaty, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Jan Fertig, Co-Principal Investigator/Social Science Researcher
  • Ms. Cassie Vosters, STEM Administrator, Raider Success Coach
  • Mr. Dan Meiser, Raider Success Coach
  • Dr. Mohammad Mahinfalah, Faculty Advisor
  • Dr. Luis Rodriguez, Faculty Advisor
  • Dr. Katie Wikoff, Program Faculty
  • Ms. Betty Albrecht, Advisory Staff
  • Mr. Gary Shimek, Advisory Staff
  • Ms. Judith Eroe, External Evaluator