Do I have to take ALEKS PPL?

Yes, however students with calculus in high school and ACT/SAT scores with a math sub score of 30/700 or higher do not need to take it. Unofficial score reports will be accepted for math placement purposes. You may email with the unofficial score report as a screenshot or PDF (please make sure your name is visible in the screenshot/PDF).

What if I have AP or transfer credits?

Students who provide AP Calculus/IB Math scores that qualify for credit for a pre-calculus or calculus course prior to April 15 do not have to take a math assessment (Incoming Credit Page). However, those who are waiting on final AP/IB scores and/or calculus transfer credits still need to take the assessment by April 15. AP/IB scores and/or transfer credits will replace the assessment requirements if they are received prior to the start of the academic year.

What is the deadline to take the assessment?

  • Priority Deadline – June 2, 2025
  • Final Deadline – July 7, 2025

Students are permitted two attempts on the ALEKS math assessment. Completing both attempts by the priority deadline ensures that the course schedule received at ROAR (Raider Orientation, Advising and Registration) will include an accurate math placement.

Will you consider ACT/SAT scores?

Even though ACT/SAT scores are not used for acceptance to the university submission of scores can assist with determining most accurate placement into your first term math course. Students who submit ACT/SAT scores with a math sub score of 30/710 or higher do not need to take the math assessment.

How do I complete the assessment?

Students will receive more information about taking the free ALEKS Mathematics Assessment once they have submitted their enrollment deposit. The assessment is completed online. Technology is in place to record students during the assessment and deter cheating.

Take the MSOE ALEKS Math Assessment

***You will need your MSOE credentials to take the Math Assessment - Username and Password Instructions

How will my math assessment be proctored?

ALEKS uses Respondus LockDown Browser to monitor you while you are taking your online assessment. Respondus helps with cheating by not allowing you navigate to other windows while you are taking your assessment and monitors your movements. If you are suspected of cheating it will be to the discretion of the ALEKS administrator on how to proceed. For more information please view our Student Integrity Policy.
Download Respondus LockDown Browser

Can I use a calculator during the assessment?

No. ALEKS will provide an embedded calculator for questions that allow it.

What if I do not complete the assessment?

The ALEKS math assessment is a requirement. You will not receive a fall schedule until the assessment is complete.

How many times can I take the math assessment?

You can take the assessment up to two times. If after the 2nd attempt, you feel your scores do not reflect your math preparedness please contact A staff member will review your scores with you and decide if a third attempt is right for you.

What does my score mean?

Your math assessment score is only one factor to place you into your first-year math course. You will know more information on exactly what your ALEKS score means within one week of taking the assessment. If you do not receive an email within one week, please contact