Parking & Other Fees
MSOE Student Parking

Students who purchase a parking pass may park in the Pamela and Hermann Viets Field parking complex, located at 1305 N. Broadway, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. A valid MSOE Student parking permit must be displayed inside your vehicle at all times.
Parking Rates
2024-25 Per Semester |
2024-25 Per Year |
Viets Field | $313 | $625 |
Grohmann Tower | $338 | $675 |
Motorcycle | TBD | TBD |
For more information regarding parking, visit MSOE Directions and Parking.
Other Fees
A student's account can have 'other fees,' these are non-mandatory fees. other fees include, but are not limited to:
- Parking Charges
- Inclusive Access
- Lab Parts
- Books and Supplies purchased in the Raider Shop
- Club Sport Fees & Dues
- Finance Charges and more
Other fees can be covered by Federal Title IV funds (Financial Aid), if the sum of mandatory fees is covered and a credit remains. Federal regulations require MSOE to only apply Financial Aid to mandatory fees, unless authorized by the student.
A student can authorize to use Financial Aid to cover other fees by completing the Credit Balance Authorization Form.
For more information, please visit Student Accounts FAQ or contact Student Accounts (414) 277-7130 or