For each of these AP classes/tests, a student must earn a score of 4 or 5 (unless otherwise stated) to receive advanced standing at MSOE. 



AP Capstone

Capstone Diploma No credit
Research No credit
Seminar No credit

AP Arts

2-D Art and Design No credit
3-D Art and Design No credit
Drawing No credit
Art History AHT 2001
Music Theory No credit

AP English

English, Language & Composition COM 1001
English, Literature & Composition LIT 2010

AP History and Social Science

African American Studies HST EL
Comparative Government & Politics PSC 2010
European History HST 2021
Human Geography No credit
Microeconomics BUS 2221
Macroeconomics BUS 2222
Psychology (also listed in sciences) PSY 1001
US Government & Politics PSC 2011
US History HST 1014
World History HST EL

AP Math and Computer Science

Computer Science A CSC 1010 or BUS 2730
Computer Science Principles No credit
Calculus AB

MTH 1110

Score of 3 will be considered as a factor in math placement

Calculus BC

MTH 1110 and MTH 1120

Calculus AB Sub-grade of 4 or 5 on Calculus BC exam

MTH 1110

Score of 3 will be considered as a factor in math placement

Precalculus Accepted for placement into MTH 1110

MTH 2480

AP Sciences


Biology BIO 1110

CHM 1010

Score of 5: CHM 1010 with opportunity to test out of CHM 1020

Environmental Science No credit
Physics 1: Algebra Based No credit
Physics 2: Algebra Based No credit
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism PHY 1120
Physics C: Mechanics PHY 1110
Psychology (also listed in social sciences) PSY 1001

AP World Languages and Culture

Chinese Language and Culture No credit
French Language and Culture No credit
German Language and Culture GER 2001
Italian Language and Culture No credit
Japanese Language and Culture No credit
Latin  No credit
Spanish Language and Culture SPN 2001
Spanish Literature and Culture SPN 4980