Graduation Information
For information about graduation requirements and policies, please visit the appropriate Academic Catalog.
Graduation Procedures
- Each student must apply for graduation by completing a Graduation Application form and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office by the deadline stated below.
- For those who submit a Graduation Application form by the deadline, the Registrar’s Office, in conjunction with the program director, will do preliminary graduation checks before the end of the first week of the semester in which the students plan to graduate, and notify them via email if additional courses are required.
- A student completing graduation requirements by the end of a semester, but who has not submitted a Graduation Application form by the above stated deadline, may participate in the commencement exercises with approval of the Registrar's Office.
For questions about MSOE graduation requirements, please contact:
Rebecca Gonwa for programs in the following departments
- Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management Department
- Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering Department
- Computer Science and Software Engineering Department
Nick Zwieg for programs in the following departments:
- Math Department
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Physics and Chemistry Department
- Rader School of Business
- School of Nursing
Apply for Graduation
The graduation application can be found on myMSOE and needs to be completed by the following dates:
- Friday, May 10, 2024, for those graduating at the end of the Spring 2025 term (May 17, 2025).
- Friday, December 20, 2024, for those graduating at the end of the Fall 2025 term (December 20, 2025).
- Friday, May 16, 2025, for those graduating at the end of the Spring 2026 term (May 16, 2026).
Applications received past the deadline must first be granted approval by Rebecca Gonwa in the Registrar’s Office in order for candidates to participate in the commencement ceremony.